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Project Coordinator Joshua Burck
Joshua Burck
Project Coordinator
Joshua Burck, proudly representing Arvada, Colorado, brings a distinct blend of professionalism and warmth to his role as Project Coordinator at GenStone. With a passion for fishing, sports, concerts, and swing dancing, he infuses his work with an easy-going demeanor and a commitment to excellence.
Project Coordinator Joseph Hajek
Joseph Hajek
Project Coordinator
Joseph Hajek, a Project Coordinator at GenStone, calls Denver, CO his hometown, blending his love for the outdoors with a commitment to excellence. With off-roading, camping, and globetrotting as his passions, Joseph infuses his projects with creativity and adaptability, much like his culinary flair.
Project Coordinator Cole Edwards
Cole Edwards
Project Coordinator
Cole Edwards, a dynamic Project Coordinator at GenStone hailing from Denver, CO, brings forth a blend of professionalism and camaraderie to every endeavor. With a passion for golf and sports, he infuses energy into team interactions and fosters a vibrant work environment.
Project Coordinator Kayla Anderson
Kayla Anderson
Project Coordinator
Kayla Anderson, a native of McHenry, IL, is a dynamic Project Coordinator at GenStone, renowned for her personable demeanor and unwavering passion for her craft. With an adventurous spirit, Kayla thrives in diverse environments, seamlessly coordinating projects with finesse.
Project Coordinator Nate Brantley
Nate Brantley
Project Coordinator
Nate Brantley, a dedicated Project Coordinator at GenStone, brings his Denver roots and diverse interests to the table. With a passion for music, gaming, and culinary arts, Nate embodies creativity and precision in all endeavors.
Project Coordinator Rhett Male
Rhett Male
Project Coordinator
Rhett Male, originally from Valencia, CA, brings a blend of professionalism and amiable charm to every endeavor. Beyond his dedication to delivering exceptional results, Rhett finds joy in his roles as a Girl Dad and indulges in passions such as snowboarding and golf during his leisure moments.
Project Coordinator Rob Dean
Rob Dean
Project Coordinator
Rob Dean, a native of Aurora, Colorado, brings his vibrant personality and unwavering dedication to his role as Project Coordinator at GenStone. With a passion for lacrosse, golf, and spending quality time with loved ones, Rob embodies the spirit of camaraderie and hard work.
Project Coordinator Jonathan Kostic
Jonathan Kostic
Project Coordinator
Jonathan Kostic, from Pennsylvania, epitomizes professionalism as a Project Coordinator at GenStone. His outgoing nature is matched by his dedication to excellence, evident in his meticulous approach to every task.
Project Coordinator Courtney Mintz
Courtney Mintz
Project Coordinator
Courtney Mintz, a proficient Project Coordinator at GenStone, originates from the vibrant landscapes of New Mexico. Her passion for fitness intertwines seamlessly with her love for exploring new culinary delights and indulging in outdoor pursuits like hiking, biking, and swimming.
Manager Amanda Sachs
Amanda Sachs
Amanda Sachs, originally from Rapid City, SD, assumes the role of Manager at GenStone with an exuberant demeanor and a genuine penchant for caring leadership.
Project Coordinator Brian Cassel
Brian Cassel
Project Coordinator
Meet Brian Cassel, the meticulous Project Coordinator at GenStone, originating from the picturesque town of Santa Cruz, CA. Brian exudes professionalism while maintaining a laid-back demeanor.
Project Coordinator Ellie Peretz
Ellie Peretz
Project Coordinator
Ellie Peretz, a Project Coordinator at GenStone, embodies a blend of enthusiasm and meticulousness in every endeavor. Originating from Stevens Point, WI, Ellie's diverse interests range from horseback riding to indulging in brunch and diving into the realms of reality TV and literature.
Project Coordinator Evan Trevenna
Evan Trevenna
Project Coordinator
Evan Trevenna, a native of Denver, CO, brings a dynamic blend of creativity and efficiency to his role as Project Coordinator at GenStone. Known for his competitive spirit and boundless creativity, coworkers describe Evan as bubbly, ambitious, and exceedingly likable.
Project Coordinator Jagger Gottschalk
Jagger Gottschalk
Project Coordinator
Jagger Gottschalk, a seasoned Project Coordinator at GenStone, is from the vibrant town of Littleton, CO. With a love for video games, Dungeons and Dragons, and football, Jagger brings his dynamic energy and enthusiasm to every endeavor.
Manager Josh Warren
Josh Warren
Joshua Warren, a seasoned Sales Manager at GenStone originating from Roseville, Minnesota, brings a blend of diligence and adventure to the role. His thorough approach and active demeanor ensure every project is handled with precision.