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How Do I Start My GenStone Project?
Sweet, you ready to start your GenStone project? Woah, woah, you're not if you haven't watched this video yet! There's a boat-load of good tips and tricks to help get you started on your faux stone project here. I know this will save you a lot of time, you can thank me later.
How To FAQs
What Do I Do Before Installation?
So you've got your GenStone, but hold on there before you get working away! There are a few things that you will definitely want to know before you get started. Without some of these tips, you may end up giving yourself more work than you need to on your new faux stone project. Check it out!
How To FAQs
What Types of Screws Should I Use?
Alright, you've got your GenStone. Now you're probably wondering how to actually hang up your new faux stone. Screws are definitely the choice to use, but there are so many different types of screws. This is our recommended choice!
How To FAQs
How Many Screws Do I Use?
Okay, so you've got your GenStone. Now you might be wondering how many screws you will need for your project. Obviously the total amount will vary on how big your faux stone project is. Here is a breakdown of screws-to-panel ratio to give you a good idea.
How To FAQs
What Do I Get at the Hardware Store?
Okay so you've got your GenStone. But before you go transforming your home, there are a few thing you might want to pick up at your local hardware store. Now there's a very good chance that you already have many of these items in your personal toolbox. Just in case, take a look at what we recommend you have in your diy arsenal before you start your GenStone project!
How To FAQs
How Do I Measure?
Okay, so you've got your GenStone, great! Now you might be asking yourself, "what do I do now?" Don't worry, the hardest part about most projects is getting started, not necessarily the project itself. This video has been created specifically for just that.
How To FAQs
Stone Sample Size Recommendations
Whether you are trying to evaluate a color profile or presenting GenStone to a customer, learn when we recommend buying a full panel over the standard 12" x 12" sample.
How To FAQs