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How You Can Create an Authentic Looking Wine Cellar with Faux Stone or Brick

Step #1: Develop a temperature and humidity control strategy first.

Regardless where your wine racks are going to be located in your new wine cellar, consistent temperature and humidity control throughout the room is going to be of paramount importance.

Most wine cellars are kept at a temperature of 55-58 degrees Farenhiet and at a humidity of 50-70% (so the wine bottle corks do not dry out). Before you know where you’re going to place your new GenStone faux stone or faux brick panels, ensure that you have sufficient airflow and air conditioning to maintain optimal wine cellar conditions; only then should you move on to step two.

Step #2: Place your racks with growth in mind.

The last thing you want to worry about is running out of space for your newly acquired wines. Design your wine cellar with at least 25% empty rack space so you can ‘grow into’ your collection.

Step #3: Start with a single accent wall.

One of the best things about using GenStone faux stone or faux brick panels for wine cellars is that you don’t necessarily need to treat every single surface. To get a feel for what will work best for your wine cellar, start by choosing a wall that you’d like to ‘pop out’ from the rest.

Remember, too, that using faux stone on a single wall doesn’t have to be a floor-to-ceiling job. You could wainscot the wall, bringing faux stone up from the floor to about a 3-4′ rise height. The choice is yours.

Once you know which wall you’d like to start with, it’s time to take some measurements, choose your preferred color of faux stone or faux brick, and get ready for installation.

Step #4: Install your GenStone panels, corner pieces, trim, and ledgers.

Compared with installing real stone, GenStone faux stone panels are a snap to install. When your wine cellar is ready to be outfitted with high-quality faux stacked stone or faux brick panels, follow these easy steps:

  • Start at the lowermost, leftmost corner. This is done to ensure that the shiplap edges of each panel are aligned with one another. GenStone panels are designed to interlock and work together to create a seamless look; starting from the bottom left and working right then up works best for most projects.
  • Use standard drywall screws and industrial adhesive where needed. For interior applications, GenStone panels can be applied directly onto drywall or plywood without needing additional surface treatment.
  • Level each panel as you work. Before securing each panel placement, make small adjustments to ensure that every panel is level before securing it with screws. Remember that a small leveling mistake at the base of a GenStone panel run can have a cumulative effect on the overall placement of the rest of the panels on the wall.
  • Use inside/outside corner pieces, ledgers, and trim to complete the look. Every faux stone or faux brick color theme has a corresponding suite of corner, trim, and ledger pieces that are used to complete the project. If you need help in selecting the right panels to work with your project, don’t hesitate to contact us for help!