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Tom’s Wainscot Paneling Project

Stacked Stone wainscoting panels holds up to Alaska's harsh weather


Shale Gray with Deep Earthy Tones

Tom’s Wainscot Paneling Project

The Kenai Peninsula is one of the defining areas of southeastern Alaska, where adventure-seekers can take on all of the elements while fishing, hiking, camping, or dog-sledding. It’s also home to some of the most beautiful natural stone collections in the world. That’s why GenStone model... Expand full text

Tom’s Wainscot Paneling Project

The Kenai Peninsula is one of the defining areas of southeastern Alaska, where adventure-seekers can take on all of the elements while fishing, hiking, camping, or dog-sledding. It’s also home to some of the most beautiful natural stone collections in the world. That’s why GenStone modeled one of its stacked stone products after the colors and shapes of stones found naturally in the peninsula.

Tom Stoner, 55, has lived in Anchorage, Alaska, for 35 years. Anchorage is Alaska’s most populous city and a gateway to the Kenai Peninsula. Stoner was in the market for a quality faux stone product for a home project. “I was shopping around, talking to a gentleman at Lowe’s, when I saw one that I liked,” Stoner said. Stoner’s instincts were right — he had pointed out the Kenai Stacked Stone wainscoting panels from GenStone — a perfect fit for his Anchorage home.

Planning for Wainscotting Panels

So the planning process began for a wainscoting addition to the base of his home. Stoner knew this could be a difficult job for a few reasons. The first reason was that his home sits at an angle. That can be somewhat problematic when installing straight pieces. But Stoner knew he wanted this project done right, so he contacted GenStone, where he talked to Lonnie.

“Lonnie was lights-out, fantastic. She told me to send her a sketch, and she’ll point me in the right direction,” Stoner said. After consulting with Lonnie, Stoner and a friend were confident to begin work on the project.

Throughout the ten days of installation, the two-man crew faced another obstacle. They had initially decided against using GenStone’s specially designed wainscot paneling kit. They figured with a little elbow grease, they could find a workaround. But once again, Stoner didn’t want to skimp on the details, so he called Lonnie again. “She recommended the corner pieces, and they made all the difference in the world. They cost a little more, but definitely worth it,” Stoner said.

Stoner was pleased with the final product, but it didn’t come without any reservations. “You don’t put stone on houses in Alaska. You just don’t do it,” he explained. “So I had to have some faith that this product was going to last because it is a brutal, unforgiving climate up here.”

And how have the wainscoting panels held up so far? “Phenomenally. It’s tough,” he said. “I clean it up like you would any other siding, but it’s been wonderful.”

Stoner speaks of a friendly rivalry with his neighbor. “With this stone product, when someone turns down our street, their necks all turn to my house, and they didn’t do that before.” Stoner has even completed projects with his family and friends with the leftover panels from his project. “You can really do some cool stuff with this product, and I would recommend it without hesitation,” he said.

Stoner offers one last piece of advice: “Don’t skimp on these projects. You have to do it right.”

Why GenStone

GenStone’s faux stone panels are an excellent addition to any interior or exterior project. Our panels are easy to install and cast from natural stone, ensuring an authentic look and feel.

Customer review
"It dramatically changed the look of our house and lots of compliments from our neighbors and I think it really upped the value of our house."

What’s possible with Genstone